Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You've Never Been Angry?

You know? I'm really bad at this.

But in my defense I had a lot of homework tonight. And seriously, it's like I've been getting homework every night for the past two weeks, Math and English everyday. Urgh, it's so frustrating! So let's see how much I can write in 5 minutes shall we? Because I really want to go to sleep right now. Sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes, or things that don't make sense.

Hmm...now lets see....I came across some very surprising information about myself tonight. I have never been angry, at like anyone, for more than 10 minutes or so. Seriously. It's like I may get frustrated at people (or things, like homework!) but I've never actually gotten so mad at someone that all I wanted to do was rip off there head. Well, at least I've never had that thought in my head for more than 10 minutes.

So that was very surprising to me, I mean seriously. I've temper tantrums when I was like young, but that anger was never directed at people most at the time (though if it was, it was probably my mother, but don't worry we're all good now :) So, yeah.

Okay, so I've got this notebook that I used for socials notes and ever time I heard or read a really good quote I'd write it down on my notebook (I've got one of those zwipes kind of notebooks. They're awesome!) so that's where I'm getting my quotes from. Just in case you were wondering.

See or, er, write you tomorrow! :P

Some inspiration! Or, maybe something to think about?
"War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left" (this quote was anonymous. but it's a favourite of mine).

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