Monday, April 13, 2009

Pros and Cons

You know, I was really happy today. I just finished my homework and I was about to go relax and everything....until I remembered I hadn't blogged yet. So here I am! Blogging.

I'm gonna be honest, I haven't had the best weekend. But there were some good things to come from this weekend. I think I'm gonna make a pro/con list and see which one wins. And it also takes up more room, and I'm all for that. :)

So, pros first?

  • It was a long weekend (4 days without school, plus two 4 day weeks)
  • I started a project, that I'm almost finished (which means I'll be proud of myself when I actually complete it)
  • I got to see family and friends that I probably won't see in a while
  • I got turkey and ham
  • I got CHOCOLATE!
  • and, I got to have an Easter egg hunt with my little cousins (I haven't been part of Easter eg hunt in sooo long)
So, now the cons:

  • I had really hard homework (I had to write an English essay on theme...I SUCK AT THEME!!!
  • My back is starting to hurt from being on my computer for so long trying to write said essay mentioned above.
  • I had a big fight with a friend-ish person (I won't name names) and it really brought me down, and really, really, hurt.
So yeah, all that in four days...well it may not seem like that much, but to me it was. Cause of all the stressful things. *sigh* I wish I had an extra day of school off. That would have been nice. Which reminds me...

We have chances of a thunder storm tonight. Which means that it's supposed to get windy and stuff too, which means the power may go know where I'm going with this don't you? It means that if the power goes out (and stays out) we don't have to go to school! So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Talk to you later.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" ~ Dr. Seuss

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