Saturday, April 18, 2009

Woo, Let's Google!

Wow, I'm so early in posting today. But it's only because I won't be here tonight because it's my friends 16th birthday part today! Woo! I am currently getting ready for said party. I have so much stuff to do, and I was really overwhelmed about it. But all of a sudden it's two hours later and I'm basically done! another Woo! for that.

Well I found this really cool quote type thing yesterday. It's in "Latin" and it's "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" which is suppose to mean "don't let the bastards get you down". What interesting about this quote though, and the reason I put "Latin" in quotations is because it's not real Latin. Which now sounds stupid, but it's actually called faux Latin, it can be used but its not gramatically correct.

I googled it and learned all this stuff. Like carborundorum is not an actual Latin word but is actually the name of a mineral which is extremely hard and used for grinding. And it is actually a blened form of the words carbon (from Latin) and corundum (from Tamil). Wow, I love Google and Wikipedia, you can learn so much from them.

I actually love google. I google like everything. Like when I'm reading and I don't know what something means, or I want to know what something looks like I automatically go to google. I guess I'm a very involved reader.

Hopefull I won't forget to blog (like Tuesaday) tomorrow when I get back.

P.S. I still like that quote, even if it isn't actually real.

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."~ Dr. Seuss

*sigh* wish that would happen

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