Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEDA: I have joined the brigade

Okay, so lets start with the introductions. My name's Brianne, it's nice to meet you. But feel free to call me Brie if you would so like too.

So really only reason I've started blogging is because my friend
(check out her blog at she's a lot better at this than I am) told me about this . So this thing's called BEDA (blogging every day of April). I decided to join, because really? I've got nothing better to do. Sad I know, but it's true. Really, what I think I'll be doing is a lot of ranting during these blogs. Unless something important happens, but than I'll probably end up ranting about that. But I may do a few reviews on books I've read (my style). Hmm....I don't know, we'll see where this goes.

I'm really not good at the whole, sticking to plans and things. So this will be a challenge for me. But I'm gonna try.
Well as you can see, I don't have much else to say. Which I don't think matters because this is just an intro. So yeah. Till tomorrow ('cos hopefully I won't forget).

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