Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something Peeptastic

Why, hello there. Long time no see. So I realize I've been gone for the past 4 or 5 days, and really I didn't mean to, it just happened and I just failed.

But anyways, I'm back! Hi!

So I was trying to log back onto my Blogger account, because normally my computer had all my passwords saved so I never have to actually remember them...but they all suddenly disappeared, so I actually spent about ten minutes trying to remember which e-mail I used, and then what password I used. Ugh! It was frustrating, but I created a new one that I hopefully won't forget (or hopefully won't have to anymore).

So looking for my inspiration for something to write, I did what my good friend Alex (link in the side bar --->) told me to do, and googled something. And so I also decided to google Peeps, like Alex also said, and guess what? The actually have their own website. I mean, an entire website dedicated to just Peeps. There are Easter Peeps, Valentine Peeps, Hallowe'en Peeps, and Holiday Peeps! They even have music! Which is awesome (the music itself AND the fact that they actually have music in the first place)!

It's sooo amazing, I haven't had much time to peruse it, because I finally found something to write about so...I just totally had to write about it. So because of this awesome, peeptastic thing that I found I need to part with the words said my my favourite Nerdfighters:

Don't forget to be awesome! ~ Hank & John Green

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Woo, Let's Google!

Wow, I'm so early in posting today. But it's only because I won't be here tonight because it's my friends 16th birthday part today! Woo! I am currently getting ready for said party. I have so much stuff to do, and I was really overwhelmed about it. But all of a sudden it's two hours later and I'm basically done! another Woo! for that.

Well I found this really cool quote type thing yesterday. It's in "Latin" and it's "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" which is suppose to mean "don't let the bastards get you down". What interesting about this quote though, and the reason I put "Latin" in quotations is because it's not real Latin. Which now sounds stupid, but it's actually called faux Latin, it can be used but its not gramatically correct.

I googled it and learned all this stuff. Like carborundorum is not an actual Latin word but is actually the name of a mineral which is extremely hard and used for grinding. And it is actually a blened form of the words carbon (from Latin) and corundum (from Tamil). Wow, I love Google and Wikipedia, you can learn so much from them.

I actually love google. I google like everything. Like when I'm reading and I don't know what something means, or I want to know what something looks like I automatically go to google. I guess I'm a very involved reader.

Hopefull I won't forget to blog (like Tuesaday) tomorrow when I get back.

P.S. I still like that quote, even if it isn't actually real.

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."~ Dr. Seuss

*sigh* wish that would happen

Friday, April 17, 2009


So, I think I had a pretty epic topic yesterday. But today, it seems I'm having problems. That's why I'm doing this so late. Also, I'm really not in the mood to write right now. *sigh* Lets see, lets see...what can I talk about today? Hmm...

Well I guess I could talk about my "secret project". Which actually isn't that awesome, except for the fact that I haven't failed yet, it's not finished though.

So what I'm doing is re-creating a pair of old jeans that I found in my drawers. They were really big on me, and baggy and stuff. So I made them into skinny's by hand sewing, which took a while. I advise using a sewing machine if you can, it's less hard work. They look pretty cool, so far. I can wear them and they actually look pretty natural and normal.

Now what I'm gonna do is distress them (this is the part I'm worried I'll mess up one) and then I'm also gonna try to cut the waist band off. I'm cutting the waist band off because they're really high waist-ed, and really ugly if you wear a shorter shirt. So, yeah. It's still a work in process but it's happening.

Wish me luck for the end result!

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hello, my name is...

Hello, my name is Brianne, and I'm a shopping addict.

all together now: "Hi, Brianne"

So I think this is where I confess (and I challenge all you other closeted addicts, for the addiction of your choosing, to do the same during the span of BEDA)

So I really realized this today when I went shopping for birthday presents. And my mother and I were walking on our way to a certain store when we passed by Bryan's, they we having a sale. So my mom asked me if I wanted to take a look, and of course it's a closing down sale where everything is 50% off so I'm eager to check it out. But than I do tell myself, okay you came to the mall for a reason, and that reason was not for you. And honestly I didn't expect to find anything...but then I ended up walking out of the store with two shirts, that are actually amazing.

I've got a problem. I think I blame it on my mom, because whenever she sees a sale she encourages me to take a look for some good deals, and I normally end up buying one or two things. I have a few confessions I'd like to share, they're a little sporadic in timing but they are all true:
  • Around the time of February, I couldn't go out shopping where I didn't end up walking out with a pair of shoes, that usually happened to guessed it, on sale.
  • Last time Byran's had a sale I walked out with not one, but two dresses that I now need places to wear.
  • When in Wet Seal in the states I bought another dress...that I also need a place to wear.
  • While in Costa Rica I also bought a dress, but this time I only have to wait till summer to wear it again.
  • My mom and I went shopping for about two pairs of shorts and a few more light weight tops before going to Costa Rica. I ended up with 3 shorts/capris, 3 tank tops, 1 nicer tank top like shirt, and 2 graphic t-shirts. Wow!
  • And then today, where I got 2 more tops when I was supposed to be birthday present shopping (which I did complete, btw).
I'm sure there are more, but you get the jist of it. I did make a deal with my mother though today. Because, honestly, I hate it when she buys stuff for me because I don't want her spending tons of money. So I bought the birthday presents while my mom bought my top for me. Good deal, because the presents were more expensive. But that's exactly why I want a job, so my mother doesn't have to buy these things for me, and I can buy whatever I like. Win, win.

I also find that I should be lucky my parents aren't stinking rich and don't have an end to their budget (though it would be awesome) I would be spoiled rotten (more then I am already).

My name is Brianne, and I need help.

P.S. lol :P

I'm really liking the Dr. Seuss quotes lately, so I'm gonna have some fun with that for a while.

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities." ~ Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is This Madness!?

"Oh, crap!" And no this is not me just saying this, this is me quoting myself from last night. And there is only one (well probably more...but still) reason why I would be saying this around the time of 11:30 and 12:00, and that is because I missed a day!!! Urg!

So it must have been a week ago or something when I said to myself "oh, you can miss a day, no one will miss you" but then of course I had to convince myself otherwise by talking back (yes, I talk/argue with myself, don't judge, it helps) and saying "but how cool will it be when at the end of April you have actually blogged for everyday of April since you've started?" And then I got mad at myself, but I still logged on to blogger and started writing my blog, because guess what? It would be pretty damn cool to be able to accomplish that. But what do I do? I fail, of course. But I have no hard feelings...I think I'm doing pretty well, and I'll just take a freebie, no more though!

So I logged on to blogger today, ready to write this days blog when I see something by my little profile box, thingy. It says that there's a "scheduled outage" happening tomorrow. So I was confused and at first I was like, are they shunning me? Like my blogs aren't good enough so they want to get rid of me, and shut me down. But then I clicked on the "learn more" link and I was like oooh, but then I was like what is this madness!? Like you find the need to inform us that there's going to be an outage at 2 o'clock for 10 MINUTES!

Wow, you find the need to tell us that...I thought you were shunning me. I'm still in school then anyways, so what use is that to me? But whatevs, it's probably important to some people, to be informed so they don't think their computer is broken.

See you tomorrow!

P.S. I got shoes!!!

A little inspiration, with something to make you laugh (don't mind the swearing):

Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and bitch slap that mother fucker upside the head

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pros and Cons

You know, I was really happy today. I just finished my homework and I was about to go relax and everything....until I remembered I hadn't blogged yet. So here I am! Blogging.

I'm gonna be honest, I haven't had the best weekend. But there were some good things to come from this weekend. I think I'm gonna make a pro/con list and see which one wins. And it also takes up more room, and I'm all for that. :)

So, pros first?

  • It was a long weekend (4 days without school, plus two 4 day weeks)
  • I started a project, that I'm almost finished (which means I'll be proud of myself when I actually complete it)
  • I got to see family and friends that I probably won't see in a while
  • I got turkey and ham
  • I got CHOCOLATE!
  • and, I got to have an Easter egg hunt with my little cousins (I haven't been part of Easter eg hunt in sooo long)
So, now the cons:

  • I had really hard homework (I had to write an English essay on theme...I SUCK AT THEME!!!
  • My back is starting to hurt from being on my computer for so long trying to write said essay mentioned above.
  • I had a big fight with a friend-ish person (I won't name names) and it really brought me down, and really, really, hurt.
So yeah, all that in four days...well it may not seem like that much, but to me it was. Cause of all the stressful things. *sigh* I wish I had an extra day of school off. That would have been nice. Which reminds me...

We have chances of a thunder storm tonight. Which means that it's supposed to get windy and stuff too, which means the power may go know where I'm going with this don't you? It means that if the power goes out (and stays out) we don't have to go to school! So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Talk to you later.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" ~ Dr. Seuss

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter, Everyone!

I hope you all had a great day with friends and family. I know I did.

I also hope you guys checked out those songs I suggested yesterday. I think that they have really good messages in them, especially The Remedy. And Jason Mraz has become another favourite musician of mine. His music is also very versatile, with a bit of pop, rock, and maybe even a little blues. If you check out his latest CD you'll know what I'm talking about.

I'm really lost today. I mean normally I can think of something to at least ramble about. But I just can't. I'm totally stuck, so I'm sorry.

But I do need to say something. My blog site thingy is a little messed. It says that I updated twice on Thursday, and than once Friday, and than not at all on Saturday. Which is totally not true, and is really screwed up. So, if you count I do have the correct number on updates for the day that I started. So yeah, really, the most recent blog on Thursday was actually Fridays blog and Fridays was actually Saturdays. Hopefully that makes sense.

I'm really pissed though, this is so stupid! Ugh! Talk to you tomorrow.

“Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.” ~ Charles Jones

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Remedy

Crap, I'm sorry again. I've had a full day and really haven't been thinking about this. Well, actually I had been, in the afternoon, and I was gonna write than, but as you can tell, I didn't. Oh well.

I had a nice day today though. My project is coming along nicely, and I haven't messed anything up yet, so that's good.

Uh, I played Taboo tonight with my brothers, and other family and non-family members. It was fun. We did girls against guys and guess who won? The girls of course. So this ones been short, but like you should always say, quality before quantity. But this isn't even good quality, but still.

I'm gonna suggest a song today. Because I just discovered this song yesterday, and I think that it has such a great message in it. This song is called The Remedy by Jason Mraz, and I'm gonna link it here, because I found this video and it's good quality and it's got him at the beginning explaining what it means. I also think you should search the lyrics to go with the song, so you know exactly what he's saying. It's amazing, and I love it, and seriously I keep having to replay this song because I love it so much.

P.S. If you want another good song from Jason Mraz check out Dynamo of Volition.

And if you think you may know who he is, you'll know if you check out the song "I'm Yours", I don't have a link for that one though.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Secrets and The Peak

I have a few things to say about yesterday's blog. First of all, I'm sorry. It was really late last night and I had no time to edit, and I really didn't want to anyways. Secondly, I was told by a certain source that it was spelled hoedown, not ho-down (thank you Jina). And last but not least, I was going to post a link, so that you could all see what the popcorn actually was. But I looked it up on Youtube, and well, there are some really disturbing videos out there titled "the popcorn dance". So I was going to describe it to you, but that would get confusing. But I will tell you that it involves a lot of jumping and bouncing and any other synonyms of those words. So yeah, it makes you very tired buts it's oh so fun to do with your friends. :)

So my first thing today is about my secret project. I've started a project that I really want to finish (beside this one), I just can't tell you what it is. I don't want to end up failing and than having everyone know that I did. But it will come up in a blog somewhere in the future, hopefully in the near future. Maybe next week. But anyways, I'm doing something, and I will be sooo happy if I can actually do it. And no, even if you are my friend you still have to wait. But yes, that's what I've been doing the most of the day. Either research on it, or actually doing work on it. So that's exciting.

Oh, I've get some interesting news, that I've known about for a while but haven't been able to actually check it out. It's a new radio station. If you live around the lower mainland check it out at 100.5 The Peak. Or if you can't get it, check it out online at This radio statio is new, so it's just getting started, but it has great music with lots of range. It's world class rock, so many different types of rock. I've been listening to it for most of the dayand I can say that I've enjoyed it emesly. So if you're into rock, this is definately a good place to be. And a bonus if I've not yet caught your intrest, is that this station has rarely any comercials. And if there are, they are normally very short. And I know, like mentioned before, I've been listening all day and the majority of it is actually music. Amazing, right? So what are you waiting for? Go check it out!

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

The Popcorn: Deadly, But So Damn Addicting.

Ah, crap. *sigh* 30 minutes left, that's what I've got. So we should probably get started, hmm?

Uh, we started social dancing in PE last week, Friday to be exact, which I think is stupid. I mean why don't they start it on Monday like you normally do!? Okay, so I know that it probably has something to do with the fact that we have a pro-d day tomorrow and Monday and social dancing is only two weeks, but still...So anyways, normally we start social dancing before spring break but they decided to change it for some reason (I still have no idea), and uh, yeah.

Right, so for the people who PE our first semester, they do it the two weeks before winter break (did anyone realize that we have no Fall Break, I mean we've got Summer, we've got Spring, and we've got Winter, but no Fall! but thats for another time, what I was saying was...) and than we have this thing called a "ho-down" which takes place at lunch and everyone can come and dance, and it's really fun.

So okay getting to the point, this semester's "ho-down" (I seriously have no idea how to spell it) was today. And than I had PE right after. SO that means I had to do the Popcorn sooooo many times (because you can't stop, because everytime you hear the music you just have to do it, no matter how much you DON"T want too), which is so tiring and makes you all sweaty (eww!) and than you still have to dance with guys, and ugh it's just gross. But anyways, I just wanted to say that school today was tiring. With that, and my stupid Enlgish homework that I left at home and than when I went to hand it in at the end of the day after going back home to get it, my teacher walked right by my car. So now I have no idea what's going to happen with that. Also, I went bowling tonight, woo! It was fun.

This blog had no topic, whats so ever, and really it probably made no sense. But maybe, if I actually sit down and write it while I have more than 10 minutes (cause thats how much time left I have right now) I'll actually write something good, and possibly edit it. Hmm, maybe tomorrow? Well, you'll just have to wait to find out. And now, on with my parting words, hopefull this one will make you laugh...

Poncho Villa's last word before he died were: "Don't let it end like this! Tell them I said something!" (It's true, too)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Epic Topics and Utter Failiers

You know doing this blog, for the past three days has made me realize something. Coming up with something to talk about is really, really, really hard! I'm mean seriously least for me.

So while I'm at school and stuff I may be able to come up with this awesome little spiel on some epic topic that will just. Blow. Your. Mind. But than I get home to write about it, and I'm like that was a really stupid idea. Why did I think that crap was actually good? So you see my dilemma, don't you? So those ideas are, as stated above, crap so have to come up with these other topics to talk about, but than they probably end up being soooo damn boring that right now you are wondering to yourself why the hell am I reading this, again? And to that I say, I have no idea. I am sorry. But anyways, if you're still reading this (which I don't blame you if you're aren't) let's get down to business and one to today's, most likely, boring topic...

So today, I'm going to introduce a book that I have recently finished that I thought was amazing. This novel goes by the name of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Now let me hear that groan from all you grade 10's. Done? Okay, now I know what you're all thinking, I wouldn't touch this book with a ten foot pole unless I was made too. Well guess what? I was, so I did. And you know what else? I actually liked it, and I actually wish there was more (but that's with every book I read).

This book was brilliant. It reaches out to you. And there's something for everyone. Topics like coming of age, prejudices and racism, and acceptance. So for those of you who may not be in grade 10 English, but will be sometime, I advise you to read it because not only will it be easier for you when you do read it, it's also really good. And for those of you who have already read it, or are in the process, and hating it. I advise you to read it again, or start reading, with an open mind. And for all of you who are with me. Thank you. And good night.

I would also like to say good bye to the sun. I knew that it wouldn't last long but we hope you come back very soon. We will miss you while you're gone....

....Did you ever wonder how crap Global Warming is? I mean are you sure you got it right, it's not the Ice Age? That was the order it happened in the know Ice Age first, Global Warming after? Oh well, I wanna go back to Costa Rica! So bad! :(

Life is like a game of cards. The hand dealt to you represents determination, the way you play is free will. ~ Jawaharal Nehru

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You've Never Been Angry?

You know? I'm really bad at this.

But in my defense I had a lot of homework tonight. And seriously, it's like I've been getting homework every night for the past two weeks, Math and English everyday. Urgh, it's so frustrating! So let's see how much I can write in 5 minutes shall we? Because I really want to go to sleep right now. Sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes, or things that don't make sense. lets see....I came across some very surprising information about myself tonight. I have never been angry, at like anyone, for more than 10 minutes or so. Seriously. It's like I may get frustrated at people (or things, like homework!) but I've never actually gotten so mad at someone that all I wanted to do was rip off there head. Well, at least I've never had that thought in my head for more than 10 minutes.

So that was very surprising to me, I mean seriously. I've temper tantrums when I was like young, but that anger was never directed at people most at the time (though if it was, it was probably my mother, but don't worry we're all good now :) So, yeah.

Okay, so I've got this notebook that I used for socials notes and ever time I heard or read a really good quote I'd write it down on my notebook (I've got one of those zwipes kind of notebooks. They're awesome!) so that's where I'm getting my quotes from. Just in case you were wondering.

See or, er, write you tomorrow! :P

Some inspiration! Or, maybe something to think about?
"War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left" (this quote was anonymous. but it's a favourite of mine).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh Sun, How I've Missed Thee

Okay so I totally almost forgot about this. I mean great going Brianne, only your second day and you already almost failed. So, let's do this!

My second post. Yay! So let me start this post off with a little explanation, because I want you all to know what you're getting yourself into. I titled this post "Brie Says it All" because this is my way of telling you that I'm a bit of a ranter, and I like to talk a lot. Also, I normally always need a place to put all my random thoughts that I have during the day somewhere. Aren't you all just lucky! I'm sorry in advance for anything that may be boring.

So because I almost forgot, and because I really don't have a topic I'm going to talk about the weather. The weather? Really? Yes, really the weather.

So today was actually sunny and warm in the lower mainland(that's British Columbia, Canada in case you didn't know). Not just one or the other. Which is quite surprising because 5 days was snowing! Freaking snowing! But anyways, today. OMG! So I am happy. Because I missed the sun so much. Even though I was in Costa Rica for spring break, and it was mighty warm there and I have this nice little tan (and burns, but we won't go there), I still missed it here.

Okay so I had this thought this afternoon at school when I noticed most people's clothing choices. It's like we live in Forks or something. I mean seriously, you get a little bit of sun and suddenly you have to wear the shortest shorts you own. I mean, I know you missed it, like I mentioned I do too, but come on! It's not like your not going to see it again.

Haha, okay...well yeah, that was a nice chat wasn't it? I thought so. See you tomorrow!

P.S. I was thinking of adding like a quote or possibly a song I would like to shed light on at the end of every blog, just to give everyone something useful to read (unlike my ramblings) and also something inspirational.

So here going my first quote from the wonderful Mr. Magorium from the movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium:

"Life is an occasion, rise to it."

BEDA: I have joined the brigade

Okay, so lets start with the introductions. My name's Brianne, it's nice to meet you. But feel free to call me Brie if you would so like too.

So really only reason I've started blogging is because my friend
(check out her blog at she's a lot better at this than I am) told me about this . So this thing's called BEDA (blogging every day of April). I decided to join, because really? I've got nothing better to do. Sad I know, but it's true. Really, what I think I'll be doing is a lot of ranting during these blogs. Unless something important happens, but than I'll probably end up ranting about that. But I may do a few reviews on books I've read (my style). Hmm....I don't know, we'll see where this goes.

I'm really not good at the whole, sticking to plans and things. So this will be a challenge for me. But I'm gonna try.
Well as you can see, I don't have much else to say. Which I don't think matters because this is just an intro. So yeah. Till tomorrow ('cos hopefully I won't forget).